Bottle Drive Fund Raiser!
2016-12-01Don't forget to return your bottles to Windsor Junction or Sackville Bottle Exchanges and ask for the refund to be donated to the Scotia Soccer Club. Check out "Read More" for Details
Scotia Soccer Club is teamed up with the Enviro Depot, 44 Greentree Avenue, Windsor Junction and the Sackville Bottle Exchange, 446 Sackville Drive, to give you the opportunity to help us Fund Raise for the Club. All you have to do is return your bottles to either of theses centres and ask that your refund be deposited into our accounts. Enviro Depot deposit account is "Scotia Soccer Club" and the Sackville Bottle Exchange is "Page 18."
It's so simple and every deposit counts in offsetting our costs to keep your soccer fees down!
Enviro Depot Hours: Mon-Sat 9-4:50pm, Sun 9-1:50pm